Artists and Developers
Here you'll find the most important page on this site, the names and stories of the incredible artists and developers who
have helped bring Canada's amusement industry to life. This list includes individual artists, design studios, and business owners who specialized in the amusement industry. The majority of these artists/companies are naturally Canadian, but several talented artists from around the globe have lent their hand to the industry here and are therefore also included on this page. Each section of this list is ordered by number of . The number of attractions in Canada either created or owned (sometimes both) by each party it's stated they were involved in on this page simply refers to confirmed projects discussed on this website, and they may have been involved in more that have gone undocumented. These often unsung heroes shaped and sculpted lifelong memories, brought joy to millions using pencil and paper, and lent their creativities and imaginations to the spirit of having fun.
Advanced Animations (USA) - (2 attractions)
Amusement Products (USA) - (4 attractions)
Armando Tamignini (Italy) - (4 attractions)
Art Attack FX - (2000+ attractions globally)
AVG (USA) - (2 attractions)
Bill Tracy/Outdoor Dimensional Display/This Is, Inc. (USA) - (4 attractions)
Blacklight Attractions (USA) - (3 attractions)
Bruce Randall/Universal Android - (7+ attractions)
Costello Productions (Derek Costello) - (20+ attractions)
Distortions Unlimited (USA)
Dorfman Studios (USA)
Enlicky Enterprises (USA) - (2 attractions)
Eric McMillan
Feartek Inc. (USA) - (2 attractions)
Forrec Inc.
Funni-Frite Inc. (division of Philadelphia Toboggan Co., USA)
Gianfranco Avignoni - (1 attraction)
Josephine Tussaud's Wax Studios/King's Cross Waxworks (England) - (3 attractions)
Louis Tussaud's Wax Studios (England) - (1 attraction)
Mack Rides (Germany) - (4 attractions)
Nick Dyck - (2 attractions)
Pasquale Ramunno - (1 attraction)
Pretzel Rides Co. (USA) - (3 attractions)
Proslide Technology Inc.
Robert (Bobber) Gibbs - (5 attractions)
Rockscapes Canada
Rolly Crump (USA)
Sally Corporation (USA) - (3 attractions)
Sawatzky's Imagination Corporation
Stubergh Wax Models/Stubergh-Keller Wax Studios/Ripley's Wax Studios
Studio Enterprises
Travers Engineering Co. (USA) - (1 attraction)
Waxattract/Enter-Tech (Dunham family) - (30+attractions)
White-Hutchinson Leisure Learning Group (WHLLG, USA)
WhiteWater West
Arthur White
Beefeater Inc./Niagara Clifton Group (Burland family)
Charlie Lavey
IPCO (Ian Paul Company)
Falls Ave. Company
Ghermezian family
Harry Riley
Herbert (Herb) Cowan
Janda Products/New Way Sales
Joe Camisa
Little Joe
Malcom Howe
Ricci family
Walt Wang
Welland Securities/HOCO (Harry Oakes Company)